So, I recently got into this band called Shiny Toy Guns. I saw their video of "Ricochet!" on MTV yesterday and liked the tempo of the song and it was pumping. This is the only song I've heard of them but I kinda have a feeling I will get into them much more in the future.
Visit their Myspace Page and you can hear 3 songs from them. Their song "Frozen Oceans" sounds good to me (a bit emo tho..), something a bit softer, and is reminisce of one of my favorite J-Rock/J-Pop artist OLIVIA's song "Space Halo."
So, hope you guys like them or at least try them out. =)
Thursday, October 30, 2008
MTV: Choose or LOOSE (Petition)

Bill of Rights for American Veterans (BRAVE)By signing this petition I agree that we need to:
1. Properly treat mental health issues
2. Prevent homelessness among veterans
3. Give disabled vets the benefits they've earned
4. Fully fund our veterans' hospitals
5. Compensate troops made to serve longer
Taken from MTV Think's "Choose or Loose"
I never supported the war itself but always have supported the soldiers that are fighting for us. Having recently watched a special on MTV, they are sponsoring a petition to give are soldiers returning from the war all the benefits and hospitality they deserve. According to recent interviews with soldiers coming back from the war, they mentioned that they are not getting the attention they deserve so we must fight for them by signing this simple petition.
More news and information can be found at the site Choose or Loose.
To sign the petition, go to the site and find "Sign the Petition," fill out the required information and submit. It's really simple, does not require signing up or anything, just 5 seconds of your time.
» Sign the Petition!
Friday, October 24, 2008
Horror Films #2 Session
Audition by Miike Takashi
March 3, 2000
115 min.

SO, the movie that was recommended to me by not one but TWO people. Was told that it was the creepiest scary movie they've seen yet, so it was on my list to try out since my goal of October 2008 is to be scared. Did this one do the trick?
The movie starts out with the main character, Aoyama, being a widow since his wife's death. His son, Shigehiko, and friend both decide that it is time for Aoyama to start seeing woman and the friend does this by throwing an audition. The audition features over 20 woman however 1 woman, Asami, sparks for Aoyama. Aoyama first meets Asami through the audition but having previously read her application noting she was the one.
Asami comes off as this soft-spoken women in her early 20's and being very mysterious however Aoyama finds something really attracting. So, to make things short, her mysterious side starts to gradually show as we get to the end of the film, although the process of getting there is this 1 hour and 20 minute drama sequence that drove me insane truly. Being a foreign film with english subtitles, it was a bit tortuing to sit through it reading subtitles this long until the actual stuff comes on, the scenes that people want to see.
Having watched Miike's "Imprint" first, the Audition's tortue scenes do not compare and the tortue scene in Audition last about 15 minutes long while the majority of the film is talking, talking, mystery, and more talking! Overall, can't say I enjoyed this film nor did I think it was scary one bit. It was a little sickening but not scary. The story was a bit boring actually, and i really did not care about the characters except for Aoyama's friend since he was smart! He knew Asami was no good since her applications were full of lies and mystery.
Recommend to: Those enjoying dramatic build ups to a plotful climax.
Avoid if: Hate reading subtitles, have a weak stomach
Scare Factor Score: FAIL (C-)
Next film....
Suicide Club by Sion Sono
90 min.
Having watched this one before Audition, it was sort of like a relief film since this one was a bit better. This film was also recommended to me by an employee and Hollywood Video, saying it was intense and crazy. I would say this one is one of the most unique films I've seen in some time and it's full of suspensful scenes.
The story revovles around a detective trying to find out why a heard of school grils jumping in front of a train, having them die a gruesome death. Although, the suicidal deaths continue to grow in large numbers being a great mystery. There is a J-pop band named "Desert" featured throughout the film and they were suspected to have some involvement for the deaths from the start.
As the deaths continue growing, the detective struggles to find out what is going on, thus leading a young girl to discover the reasoning behind it all. Without giving too much away, there is a somewhat twist and this visual-kei group are suspected to be the leaders of this "Suicide Club" making it seem like the film is over but it continues. Could it be the J-pop band "Desert" behind it all?
Overall, the film is filled with LOTS of suicide deaths and that part of being tricked into going sucide is scary on its own. This film doesn't have ghost, killer-slasshers, torture scenes, but the thought of being consumed by trends and killing yourself is creepy. The first scene of 50 young girls jumping in front of the train has to be the most gruesome scene and the most surprising. Interesting story but the theme/concept was confusing and a blur. Had to read into it to discover that it's about "believing in yourself" and not to follow trends. (My final guess XD)
Recommend to: Movie-goers into different things, independent-goers, un-believers
Avoid if: Weak stomach, disapproves sucides
Scare Factor Score: Spooky/Moderately Scary (B)
OVERALL: 7.5/10
Last film for the day....
A Tale of Two Sisters by Kim Ji-woon
June 13, 2003
115 min.
Found out about this film in a forum I go to and checked out the trailer the same day. It looked like a great film that would be scary since it looks haunting. No doubt, the film is filled with ghostly scenes and it looks like the Grudge lady makes an appearance in here too! (Hopefully that didn't spoil anything, but myeah)
So without spoiling it for you, these sisters return home from the asylum bringing home secrets that have not been healed yet. The daughters come home to a step-mother which they have a hatred towards her. Their real mother had passed away and clues are revealed about the mother's death and the secrets behind the sister's identities shine.
Moving along, there is just a twist at the end, the grudge lady makes an appearance in this film a couple times being this scary person still. The film isn't too gruesome ither just haunting a bit. The story is interesting with the twist, the film direction is brilliant, the acting is on key. This movie is a bit spooky but not so much scary. It's not continious ghost scenes but more of a drama film.
Recommend to: Grudge and Ringu fans, twist-movie lovers, film lovers
Avoid if: haunting images/scenes mark you
Scare Factor Score: Spooky/Less Scary (B-)
So, these will probably be the last of the foreign films I will watch. October is coming to a close already and the next batch of films are all American films. If you have a foreign film that you want to recommend, please post them for me to consider. I will glady consider them but might not review them.
Next Films to be Reviewed:
- Amityville Horror (1979) [Expected Scare Factor: A]
- The Birds (1963) [Expected Scare Factor: C]
- Pshycho (1960) [Expected Scare Factor: B]
- Poltergeist [Expected Scare Factor: B-]
March 3, 2000
115 min.

SO, the movie that was recommended to me by not one but TWO people. Was told that it was the creepiest scary movie they've seen yet, so it was on my list to try out since my goal of October 2008 is to be scared. Did this one do the trick?
The movie starts out with the main character, Aoyama, being a widow since his wife's death. His son, Shigehiko, and friend both decide that it is time for Aoyama to start seeing woman and the friend does this by throwing an audition. The audition features over 20 woman however 1 woman, Asami, sparks for Aoyama. Aoyama first meets Asami through the audition but having previously read her application noting she was the one.
Asami comes off as this soft-spoken women in her early 20's and being very mysterious however Aoyama finds something really attracting. So, to make things short, her mysterious side starts to gradually show as we get to the end of the film, although the process of getting there is this 1 hour and 20 minute drama sequence that drove me insane truly. Being a foreign film with english subtitles, it was a bit tortuing to sit through it reading subtitles this long until the actual stuff comes on, the scenes that people want to see.
Having watched Miike's "Imprint" first, the Audition's tortue scenes do not compare and the tortue scene in Audition last about 15 minutes long while the majority of the film is talking, talking, mystery, and more talking! Overall, can't say I enjoyed this film nor did I think it was scary one bit. It was a little sickening but not scary. The story was a bit boring actually, and i really did not care about the characters except for Aoyama's friend since he was smart! He knew Asami was no good since her applications were full of lies and mystery.
Recommend to: Those enjoying dramatic build ups to a plotful climax.
Avoid if: Hate reading subtitles, have a weak stomach
Scare Factor Score: FAIL (C-)
Next film....
Suicide Club by Sion Sono
90 min.

The story revovles around a detective trying to find out why a heard of school grils jumping in front of a train, having them die a gruesome death. Although, the suicidal deaths continue to grow in large numbers being a great mystery. There is a J-pop band named "Desert" featured throughout the film and they were suspected to have some involvement for the deaths from the start.
As the deaths continue growing, the detective struggles to find out what is going on, thus leading a young girl to discover the reasoning behind it all. Without giving too much away, there is a somewhat twist and this visual-kei group are suspected to be the leaders of this "Suicide Club" making it seem like the film is over but it continues. Could it be the J-pop band "Desert" behind it all?
Overall, the film is filled with LOTS of suicide deaths and that part of being tricked into going sucide is scary on its own. This film doesn't have ghost, killer-slasshers, torture scenes, but the thought of being consumed by trends and killing yourself is creepy. The first scene of 50 young girls jumping in front of the train has to be the most gruesome scene and the most surprising. Interesting story but the theme/concept was confusing and a blur. Had to read into it to discover that it's about "believing in yourself" and not to follow trends. (My final guess XD)
Recommend to: Movie-goers into different things, independent-goers, un-believers
Avoid if: Weak stomach, disapproves sucides
Scare Factor Score: Spooky/Moderately Scary (B)
OVERALL: 7.5/10
Last film for the day....
A Tale of Two Sisters by Kim Ji-woon
June 13, 2003
115 min.

So without spoiling it for you, these sisters return home from the asylum bringing home secrets that have not been healed yet. The daughters come home to a step-mother which they have a hatred towards her. Their real mother had passed away and clues are revealed about the mother's death and the secrets behind the sister's identities shine.
Moving along, there is just a twist at the end, the grudge lady makes an appearance in this film a couple times being this scary person still. The film isn't too gruesome ither just haunting a bit. The story is interesting with the twist, the film direction is brilliant, the acting is on key. This movie is a bit spooky but not so much scary. It's not continious ghost scenes but more of a drama film.
Recommend to: Grudge and Ringu fans, twist-movie lovers, film lovers
Avoid if: haunting images/scenes mark you
Scare Factor Score: Spooky/Less Scary (B-)
So, these will probably be the last of the foreign films I will watch. October is coming to a close already and the next batch of films are all American films. If you have a foreign film that you want to recommend, please post them for me to consider. I will glady consider them but might not review them.
Next Films to be Reviewed:
- Amityville Horror (1979) [Expected Scare Factor: A]
- The Birds (1963) [Expected Scare Factor: C]
- Pshycho (1960) [Expected Scare Factor: B]
- Poltergeist [Expected Scare Factor: B-]
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
2008 Scare Factor Test // Horror Films of October
So I'm writing again to display my interest for horror films since it is that season. I LOVED to be scared as crazy as that sounds but from an interesting article I read years ago, it is Healthy to be/get scared every once in awhile. (Not getting fearful of death.....not that kind of scare) What I mean by getting scared, the positive and safer way, watching a horror film, going to a haunted house, etc.. If you are that chicken, just watch or go with someone close or a family relative. =)
I'm going to invent this Scare Factor Test on how scary I think a film is:
A- Scary
B Spooky/Moderately Scary
B- Spooky/Less Scary
C Not Scary
Anyways, from now on, (I feel so behind since it's October 15th) I will be posting some recent horror films I've watched and post what I think about it. So moving forward, some films I've seen recently:
Masters of Horror: Imprint
Director: Takashi Miike (The Audition)
Runtime: 63 minutes
Release Date: September 26, 2006
Story: When a foreigner man travels the lands of Japan in search for his abandoned prostitute lover, he ends up on an island full of geisha prostitutes and evil. The foreigner meets with this geisha worker and discovers that his lover had hanged herself. This geisha soon reveals to the foreigner the secrets behind his lovers death and also the evil demon inside of her.
Thoughts: After being recommended this film, I thought this would be it! It's from the Master of Horror collection series AND it was "Banned from Cable Broadcast!" However after watching it, it has a little scare tactic and it is original in it's own story. May I add, this is one of the better Master of Horror films that I have watched.
This isn't the scary movie for me but then again, it did have its spooky and creepy parts however i will not list since I don't want to spoil it for you guys. There is a torture scene which is hard to watch and that itself is scary and makes Hostel look so small.
Recommend to: Any option takers for horror films, fans of Saw films
Avoid if: You get grossed out alot, can't watch Saw films, you are anti-abortionist
Scare Factor Score: Spooky/Less Scary (B-)
OVERALL: 8.5/10
Next Films to be Reviewed:
- The Audition [Expected Scare Factor: A-]
- Suicide Club (自殺サークル) [Expected Scare Factor: C]
I'm going to invent this Scare Factor Test on how scary I think a film is:
A- Scary
B Spooky/Moderately Scary
B- Spooky/Less Scary
C Not Scary
Anyways, from now on, (I feel so behind since it's October 15th) I will be posting some recent horror films I've watched and post what I think about it. So moving forward, some films I've seen recently:
Masters of Horror: Imprint
Director: Takashi Miike (The Audition)
Runtime: 63 minutes
Release Date: September 26, 2006
Story: When a foreigner man travels the lands of Japan in search for his abandoned prostitute lover, he ends up on an island full of geisha prostitutes and evil. The foreigner meets with this geisha worker and discovers that his lover had hanged herself. This geisha soon reveals to the foreigner the secrets behind his lovers death and also the evil demon inside of her.
Thoughts: After being recommended this film, I thought this would be it! It's from the Master of Horror collection series AND it was "Banned from Cable Broadcast!" However after watching it, it has a little scare tactic and it is original in it's own story. May I add, this is one of the better Master of Horror films that I have watched.
This isn't the scary movie for me but then again, it did have its spooky and creepy parts however i will not list since I don't want to spoil it for you guys. There is a torture scene which is hard to watch and that itself is scary and makes Hostel look so small.
Recommend to: Any option takers for horror films, fans of Saw films
Avoid if: You get grossed out alot, can't watch Saw films, you are anti-abortionist
Scare Factor Score: Spooky/Less Scary (B-)
OVERALL: 8.5/10
Next Films to be Reviewed:
- The Audition [Expected Scare Factor: A-]
- Suicide Club (自殺サークル) [Expected Scare Factor: C]
Bon Appétit // Phase #1
Starting today, I will start posting some interesting photos of foods and meals I make here. I'm quite the chef at my house when it comes down to making dinner or breakfast--my mother rarely cooks anymore due to some imperative issues, SO, since I moved back home this past August 2008, I have been cooking my but off more than ever!
Some Popular Meal Chocies:
-Meatball Marinated Sandwiches
-Enchiladas w/ rice
-Cumin Chicken (Juicy Flavored) MVC Choice!
-Garlic flavored Mashed Potatoes w/ Chicken
-Chinese: Fried Rice (homemade) w/ Orange Chicken
-Bean Stuffed Tacos (inspired from Taco Bell)
-Marinated Grilled Chicken w/ White Rice
I know I can name more but I just can't think of others but those are some of the popular choices I choose from. So, let's start with some photos of my meals:
Cumin Chicken
Was inspired to make this meal by a Mexcian Recipe book. Was looking for stuff outside the box, or something besides just cooked chicken over white rice. This one involved cooking throw a slow cooker while adding Green Peppers, Stewed Tomatoes, Onions, Cumin powder, with chicken. Once it started cooking, it smelled really good and the result came to be juicy chicken! This is why I choose this as the "Most Valued Chef" choice!
This is the only picture I have but I will make sure to keep on updating with some interesting meals. Next, I'd like to share a desert dish that I did not make but was very delicious from the restaurant called Claim Jumper:
This cake was very delicious and chocolatey! Too bad we shared that piece amongst 3 others since it was pricy but well worth every penny! I'm hoping next time, we can order this for my birthday which is next week, October 20th, 2008! (Turning 20 years old!)
Till then,
Thanks for reading.
Some Popular Meal Chocies:
-Meatball Marinated Sandwiches
-Enchiladas w/ rice
-Cumin Chicken (Juicy Flavored) MVC Choice!
-Garlic flavored Mashed Potatoes w/ Chicken
-Chinese: Fried Rice (homemade) w/ Orange Chicken
-Bean Stuffed Tacos (inspired from Taco Bell)
-Marinated Grilled Chicken w/ White Rice
I know I can name more but I just can't think of others but those are some of the popular choices I choose from. So, let's start with some photos of my meals:
Cumin Chicken
Was inspired to make this meal by a Mexcian Recipe book. Was looking for stuff outside the box, or something besides just cooked chicken over white rice. This one involved cooking throw a slow cooker while adding Green Peppers, Stewed Tomatoes, Onions, Cumin powder, with chicken. Once it started cooking, it smelled really good and the result came to be juicy chicken! This is why I choose this as the "Most Valued Chef" choice!
This is the only picture I have but I will make sure to keep on updating with some interesting meals. Next, I'd like to share a desert dish that I did not make but was very delicious from the restaurant called Claim Jumper:
This cake was very delicious and chocolatey! Too bad we shared that piece amongst 3 others since it was pricy but well worth every penny! I'm hoping next time, we can order this for my birthday which is next week, October 20th, 2008! (Turning 20 years old!)
Till then,
Thanks for reading.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Squirrel Craze / Start of an Era

Squirrel #1: This squirrel was last spotted at the Westhills College in Lemoore, CA of 2007. After a formal discussion with a friend, we encountered this creature sneaking out of the bushes. We had some nuts and chips so we decided to feed the thing. So there is the squirrel eating the nuts we gave it.

Squirrel #2: This squirrel was last spotted at the San Francisco Zoo (yes, BEFORE that guy was killed by the tiger: READ HERE This time, I did not feed the squirrel since it was already eating something...from the garbage.

Hopefully the squirrel doesn't mind me taking his photos...Until further notice, I will not be responsible for copyright claims.
Daybreak: Morning and what lies ahead--

Anyway, morning has came pouring over me. My eyes are tired, my body is tired, my mind and brain is awake ready to start this day.

1) Exercise/Jogging
2) Yard Work Outside (it's a disaster out there, maybe i can post some pictures of that catastrophic place....)
3) Study/Prep for Speech Oral Presintation
4) English Homework
Listening to currently Britney Spears - Womanizer, yeah I know right!? A dude listening to Britney Spears, but it is one of my guilty pleasures so mind you! It's actually pretty good and if you have yet to see the Music Video for it, I suggest you to go watch it. Kids, this video isn't for you so parental discretion advised. It's a great comeback for her but i will try my best to not get too attached to Britney....
So sitting here now, I know what I will do next....
Sleep......Rest! I still feel a bit sleepy so I will probably rest and watch some T.V. so i don't end up falling asleep and skipping my task for the day.
So, here I am. Thanks for reading.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Goodbye Labor Day, Hello Fall!
Here is my second post in this duration of this cool blog. Today, I just realized the name of my previous blogspot account titled "Onix Planet" located here:
Onixplanet.blogspot | Rokit's [Other] Account
This blog account was created to promote a small home movie some friends and I made however that film never came out to be. BTW, I enjoy making films, home films for now, so I might share some videos here and there with you guys. We'll see if I go back to updating the other blog, I just might tho so don't lose hope. =) Maybe I will get back on track with making some more cool films.
Labor Day No More....Fall is Knocking on our doors?!
Labor Day was today and it was so-so for me. It is not like Christmas or Thanksgiving however it's a holiday that should be observed since it is suppose to be important... right? For labor day, I did do much besides watch some College Football.
To be honest, I'm not much of a football kind of guy, never was, however today after watching Fresno State winning against the Rutgers today, the feeling of your home team winning feels great. There is an upcoming game coming up in two weeks (Fresno State vs. Wisconsin) and I might end up going to the game.
*is watching Dog Whisper now*
So labor day being out of the way, here comes Fall!! Time passes by so fast, I can't imagine how fast it goes. October is the month of my birthday, turning 20 y/o finally! So here we go Fall!
Onixplanet.blogspot | Rokit's [Other] Account
This blog account was created to promote a small home movie some friends and I made however that film never came out to be. BTW, I enjoy making films, home films for now, so I might share some videos here and there with you guys. We'll see if I go back to updating the other blog, I just might tho so don't lose hope. =) Maybe I will get back on track with making some more cool films.
Labor Day No More....Fall is Knocking on our doors?!
Labor Day was today and it was so-so for me. It is not like Christmas or Thanksgiving however it's a holiday that should be observed since it is suppose to be important... right? For labor day, I did do much besides watch some College Football.

*is watching Dog Whisper now*
So labor day being out of the way, here comes Fall!! Time passes by so fast, I can't imagine how fast it goes. October is the month of my birthday, turning 20 y/o finally! So here we go Fall!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Our First Day :: Rokit's Introduction

Anyways, it's ok since "0ur last day" looks similar in a sense and hopefully I will put some use into this blogging. Through this blogging, I would like to profile my personal life obstacles and such and would like to share and make friends through here. Myspace is too overrated and is primarily about "posting images of yourself" and "having the MOST friends" so I'm not going to do all that.
Video of the day
Gym Class Heroes - "Cookie Jar"
NOTE: Viewer/Hearer Discretion advised! xD I'm not much of a hiphop/r&b person but this song is addicting.
So everyone have a nice day!
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