Bill of Rights for American Veterans (BRAVE)By signing this petition I agree that we need to:
1. Properly treat mental health issues
2. Prevent homelessness among veterans
3. Give disabled vets the benefits they've earned
4. Fully fund our veterans' hospitals
5. Compensate troops made to serve longer
Taken from MTV Think's "Choose or Loose"
I never supported the war itself but always have supported the soldiers that are fighting for us. Having recently watched a special on MTV, they are sponsoring a petition to give are soldiers returning from the war all the benefits and hospitality they deserve. According to recent interviews with soldiers coming back from the war, they mentioned that they are not getting the attention they deserve so we must fight for them by signing this simple petition.
More news and information can be found at the site Choose or Loose.
To sign the petition, go to the site and find "Sign the Petition," fill out the required information and submit. It's really simple, does not require signing up or anything, just 5 seconds of your time.
» Sign the Petition!
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