Onixplanet.blogspot | Rokit's [Other] Account
This blog account was created to promote a small home movie some friends and I made however that film never came out to be. BTW, I enjoy making films, home films for now, so I might share some videos here and there with you guys. We'll see if I go back to updating the other blog, I just might tho so don't lose hope. =) Maybe I will get back on track with making some more cool films.
Labor Day No More....Fall is Knocking on our doors?!
Labor Day was today and it was so-so for me. It is not like Christmas or Thanksgiving however it's a holiday that should be observed since it is suppose to be important... right? For labor day, I did do much besides watch some College Football.

*is watching Dog Whisper now*
So labor day being out of the way, here comes Fall!! Time passes by so fast, I can't imagine how fast it goes. October is the month of my birthday, turning 20 y/o finally! So here we go Fall!